Green Point
Living Lab

GREEN POINT Living Lab is an ENoLL (European Network of Living Labs) registered Living lab based on a Multi-Actor Approach, involving farmers, food producers, food businesses, industry and technology providers, consumers, citizens, local authorities and other actors, with a view to co-create innovative systemic solutions in support of food systems sustainability goals. The Green Point Living Lab is implementing innovative models and technologies in connection with the new Green Deal and, more specifically, the Farm to Fork strategy, representing a place-based innovation ecosystem, piloting and demonstrating technological (blockchain, big data, …), economic (circular economy, Food loss and waste, …) and social (consumer participation, public awareness, food sharing, food locality, …) innovations in a unique, regional, real-life settings.


The Green Point Living Lab is defined as open innovation environments in real-life settings, in which user-driven innovation is fully integrated within the co-creation process of new services, products and societal infrastructures by involving multiple stakeholders (research, business, citizens, government, etc.) to generate sustainable value for all stakeholders focusing in particular on the end-users to enabling them to take an active part in the research, development and innovation process.

The following principles are core within Living Lab methodologies:

  • Real-life setting,
  • Multi-Stakeholder Participation,
  • User engagement,
  • Co-creation and
  • Multi-Method Approach.

As a basic principle, the Green Point Living Lab follows the three main building blocks:

  • Exploration: getting to know the "current state" and designing possible "future states". Bringing the users early into the creative process in order to better discover new and emerging user patterns.
  • Experimentation: real-life testing of one or more proposed "future states" and
  • Evaluation: assessing the impact of the experiment with regards to the "current state" in order to iterate the "future state".

The Green Point Living Lab is based on two major infrastructural parts:

  • DEMO FARMS – a Living Lab and infrastructure focusing on agriculture and primary food production
  • FOOD SUPPLY– a Living Lab and infrastructure focusing on short food supply chains and food processing, food delivery and food consumption