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All your DIH AGRIFOOD applications in one place


My Farm

MY FARM is a Decision Support System (DSS) and a data-driven platform developed for, co-created with and used by farmers and agricultural advisors. The solution collects, aggregates and visualises all existing and relevant farm and farming related data, ranging from satellites (Earth Observation), drones, in-situ and machinery sensors/data (IoT), weather stations and third party sources (soil Laboratory Analysis database, public databases like National Farm registry, National Animal registry) and farm related data (Field Book data, production related data – FADN and other).


Digital Field Book

DIGITAL FIELD BOOK is an application designed for farmers and agricultural advisors to efficiently manage and record their daily activities on the farm. With an intuitive interface and robust features, Field Book simplifies the task of organizing and tracking all farming operations throughout the year. Key features of the application are: activity logging (where farmers record farming activities such as planting, watering, fertilizing, spraying, harvesting, and more), reporting services for farmers (where farmers can create various reports of the activities and conditions on the farm, to gain new knowledge and insights about working and natural processes on their farm and create reports required by the national and EU CAP – Common Agricultural Policy), integration with location services (where farm activities are automatically recorded, based on data from GPS tracking system on the machinery), reporting services for Farmers Advisory Service (where agricultural advisors can gain insights about farming practices, to improve quality of the advisory service).


Benchmark Platform

BENCHMARK PLATFORM is used by farmers and agricultural advisors to analyse, compare and advice on economic indicators about various aspects of the farm production efficiency and economy (e.g.: economic indicators of dairy production). The Benchmark platform uses advanced analytical tools, based on modern business intelligence technologies and artificial intelligence tools, allowing farmers and agricultural advisors to gain new insights about production and various farming practices, by benchmarking the production data within the Study Groups, or analysing individual production and economy indicators through consecutive years.


Farm Manager

FARM MANAGER is a business planning and data aggregation platform for farmers, agricultural advisors and educational organisations, based on a comprehensive and technically advanced e-service, allowing farmers and food producers to develop overall farm production plans using different farming methods/technologies and approaches. It is based on the Farm Management Planning Calculation Catalogue used and developed by Slovenian Public Advisory experts and upgraded into a data-driven platform, enabling detailed planning and business modelling of all crop and animal husbandry types of agricultural production. The Farm manager is used by all 8 regional agricultural advisory offices in Slovenia when advising farmers in business planning and modelling, as well as advising on adopting the most efficient and sustainable farming practices.